DISSECT is a project undertaken by the UP College of Medicine to mitigate the perennial problem concerning the scarcity of “Silent Teacher” supply. Cadaveric dissection is the bedrock of anatomical studies. There is a clear and present danger in preserving our vital instructional materials so that many batches of medical students can learn from it. DISSECT is part of our medium and long term solution to this problem. DISSECT is designed based on years of teaching, instructing, and dissection experience. It is our own! Proudly Philippine designed and Philippine made!
Registered Logo of LIKHA- DISSECT
Patent Pending with IPOPHIL
Registered Logo of LIKHA- MOViES
Patent Pending with IPOPHIL
Aiming for uniformity of instructions to a large number of medical students during dissection laboratory sessions is a strenuous challenge for anatomy instructors. Systematic cadaver dissection is difficult to teach, instruct, and document. To attain these requirements with various degree of success, video-camera systems been traditionally utilized in the past. We developed a versatile PTZ camera mount that can utilize the overhead capabilities of these cameras. Our system can easily be rolled and mobilized to a desired position with a very small footprint. It possess a wireless system that remotely connects it to large format smart TVs for large audience screening. It is specifically designed for an unobstructed overhead view of dissecting instructions.

Learning Innovations for Knowledge in Health Applications is a program initiated by the department to address and mitigate problems peculiar in teaching anatomy particularly in the laboratory set-up. A series of projects were created to answer the pressing problems we encounter when we teach anatomy. As the most fundamental of all medical sciences we believe that all these projects will translate to better knowledge in health applications.
The LIKHA A.T.L.A.S (Augmented Teaching Learning Anatomy Software) is a mobile application that uses Augmented Reality technology to automatically generate labels of cadaveric structures on the screen of the user's mobile device. The project aims to add artificial intelligence and machine learning features to enable identification of anatomic parts and areas in plastinated specimen, cadavers, or even living individual. The project will also aim to incorporate capabilities for remote learning, mentoring and monitoring.
Registered Logo of LIKHA- ATLAS
Patent Pending with IPOPHIL

The LIKHA S.A.F.E.S.T. (Safer Anatomical preservation For Embalming Silent Teachers) specifically aims to develop embalming fluids for anatomical education and skills training purposes. SAFEST will come up with a formula that will provide long term preservation of organs and tissues with retention of color of all organs and tissues; and render soft life-like consistency of every body parts, to allow real like simulation of clinical procedures by physicians and surgeons. The formula should prevent desiccation, fungal, or bacterial growth while decreasing potential as a biohazard and must be environment friendly.
Registered Logo of LIKHA- SAFEST
Submitted to TTBDO

The LIKHA E.A.G.L.E.S. (Enhanced Anatomical preservation via Gravity assisted pump Low-cost Embalming System) is geared towards developing an intelligent embalming pump system that will allow the full distribution of the our SAFEST embalming formula over all the tissue and organs of our Silent Teachers. This is necessary to preserve our Silent Teachers for long periods of time to maximize their educational and simulation utilization. The pump will use digital technology with specific sensors to determine even flow rate of our SAFEST solution for a maximized embalming procedure.
Registered Logo of LIKHA- EAGLES
Submitted to TTBDO

UPCM Class of 1978 has chosen the DISSECT table as their Jubilee Gift to the Alma Mater on the occasion of their 45th year anniversary celebration. The altruistic generosity of Class 78 brought about a collective approval and sponsorship of twenty units of DISSECT immersion tables to the Department of Anatomy primarily for benefit of LU3 students and for clinical wet simulation of clinicians.